
We aspire to be acknowledged as one of the most reliable sources of advice and guides on quality water systems and products. DwellingAdvisor intends to offer straightforward recommendations on energy-saving, cost-effective, mobilize, and modern components. We stand by our vision which implies becoming the place where you go to know more about water filters, softeners, and numerous accessories to run water in your household

Meet Our Team

Mostafa Kamal, Founder

Mostafa Kamal

As the founder of DwellingAdvisor, I have been working to deliver quality advice on utilizing water components for numerous households. Here, we believe that water quality is the most critical part of health care, so the investment and attention for the water system will never go to waste.

As a father of my children, I know how worried I am about the water quality in my household. And, we only want the best for our loved ones, so after some trials and errors, DwellingAdvisor is founded to offer just what people need for their families.

And as a professional water engineer, I plan to put all my resources into guiding you when handling your water system. Me on facebook

Michelle (Prud’Homme) Standlee, RN, Content Production

Michelle (Prud’Homme) Standlee, RN

My work as a freelance copywriter allows me to work with Laurel A. Kashinn later join DwellingAdvisor as a content producer. Our team works together to produce high-quality contents that cater to the needs of large companies and households. For example, there are issues about the water system every day, and many people are confused about how to fix it without much help and waste of money.

So, we spend most of the time addressing the frequent and critical issues and then building our contents based on such research. All comments about troubles regarding the water-related products are collected and considered by our team. And I am happy to construct the contents that will solve such problems. Contact here

Fredrick Rowlings, Staff Writer/Reviewer

Fredrick Rowlings

As a staff writer and review of DwellingAdvisor, I am happy to be a part of such a professional and dedicated team. With three years of work in content creator and review tasks, I intend to combine the experiences of our team in water system products and with multiple pieces of research and testing to show the best contents.

My purpose is to provide the guides that allow first-time users to face zero confusion to figure out. And our reviews will be straight from our experiences with the products and opinions from numerous buyers who have tried the products out.

Contact me on Linkedin